Business Applications Management Service

Need to get more from your housing management software? Working with the leading housing management systems, we can maximize the functionality of the IT services delivered in your organisation.

Manifest offer a fully flexible consultancy and support service aimed at housing providers, focused solely on their specialist line-of-business applications. The service is distinct from the support provided by software vendors, and as such it is unbiased and sees the wider organisational picture.

Our consultants have decades of experience implementing, managing and using advanced customisation features in these systems. Coupled with our practical knowledge of the work of housing organisations, our services are second to none. We’ll ensure we fully understand your challenges before advising on the best ways to resolve your issues and get more from your system.
The service has been designed to be fully tailorable to any housing association and can include resourcing for any or all of the requirements organisations have, such as:

● Business as usual support

● Bespoke housing system development and customisation

● System administration

● Implementation and configuration

● Upgrades and patches

● Advice, training and guidance for users

● Business Analysis

● Project Management

● Data migration and interfaces

The housing sector is very familiar with the outsourcing of infrastructure and core-IT services, there are countless players in this market. We offer a new type of service that is focused on the specialist software and business processes that housing organisations alone use.
We provide the ability for organisations to complement or completely outsource their support and consultancy needs for line of business applications as a supplier independent of software vendors. The service is an alternative to traditional recruitment or engagement of temporary/agency/contract staff.


Using reporting systems including Business Objects and Power BI, our team will help you gain the performance, management and operational information you need to deliver your services effectively.

We are aware that there is no one-size fits all approach that would work for all customers, and that’s why we offer a range of methods for engaging our services. From a fully outsourced term-contract service, covering full-time business as usual support; to a ‘token’ based purchase option which allows you to acquire consultancy/project days as and when required, e.g. to carry out specific technical tasks within a project, deliver a training course, or provide pieces of advice or research.

For more details, please see our Service Guide

To discuss your specific housing management system requirements, call us on 0203 797 1012.